Just found in the archives.

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Just found in the archives.

A couple of years ago The Shinobi Kai was approached by Program Producer Jonathan Elliot to help with two documentary’s he was filming.

Both programs were for a series being shown by Yesterday TV titled “Ancient Black Ops”.

We were asked to help out with weapons, clothing and fight choreography for a number of battlefield scenes.

Both programs were shot on location, unfortunately not Japan, a little closer to home in Rochester Fort.

For two days, a mini bus full of budding film stars made their way from the depths of Hampshire into Kent armed with Katana,
Bo Staff, Kusari Fundo, Kyuketsu Shoge, Kusari Gama and some of the less well know weapons, like Ebo, Daisharin, Tessen, Chigiriki, Otsuchi, Naginata and Ono.

With a great deal of pleasure we were able to help produce and complete two superb programs, “The Ninja” and “The 47 Ronin”.

Special thanks to Jonathan Elliot for the invitation, Ken Clay for filming and Dan Styles for the battlefield choreography.
And of course, a huge thanks to our students for their hard work and efforts.  Very much appreciated.

Both programs can still be seen on the Yesterday TV Channel, alternatively, just click the videos below.

Happy viewing.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPiB4lha0T8[/embedyt]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCwiuKCco4c[/embedyt]