Kamae no Kata

Kamae no Kata. Just found this in the archives. A representation of Kamae no Kata from the early 1980’s. A free class to…

Togakure Ryu, The Nine Schools.

Togakure Ryu Ninpo; “hidden door” Ninjutsu “concealing arts”, “stealth arts” or “patient arts” The second oldest of the nine traditions, this Ryu forms…

Next at Stoke Dojo-Kusari Fundo

Following on from last month’s seminar at the Koi Dojo, this month’s Stoke workshop will be studying Kusari Fundo. Please bring an 8…

Great news at Stoke Dojo

Due to our recent re-location and a bigger venue we can now accept more new students. So if anyone out there is interested…

Sanbon Ichi-3 things at once

Really interesting class at Hombu Dojo today, Sanbon Ichi, three things at once, followed by studying the time and distance relationship between Katana…

Thank you Sensei Paul

Brilliant Yari and Bokken class last night. Looking at how the strategy of each weapon can overcome the other. Proving there is no…

Future Workshop-Caligraphy

Is anyone interested in a workshop on (Japanese) calligraphy? Let me know if this is a subject that’s of interest and we’ll organise…

Hombu Matsuri-August 2017

Can all students attending the summer Matsuri bring a Hanbo and Bokken. Please make sure all weapons are suitably covered up.  Thanks. Please…