Koi Dojo December workshop

You are cordially invited to the Koi Dojo December workshop.

This month’s study will be centered around Bo Jutsu and Bokken Jutsu.

We intend to study these as weapons in their own right, then at the strategy’s around each weapon.

How the Bo staff can overcome the Katana (bokken) and how the Katana can overcome the Bo staff.

The workshop is open to all, students of Ninpo Tai Jutsu, as well as students of all other arts.

All are welcome regardless of art or association, politics free.

This is an opportunity to study and exchange views, not to prove who’s art is the best.

The Dojo has a limited number of spare Bo staff and Bokken to loan to anyone who needs them.

Start time 1PM, end time 5PM.

Workshop fees;

Koi Dojo member FoC

Shinobi Kai Members £10

Non-members £15

Instructor/group discounts are available, please ask for details.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 10th December 2017.

For more information please contact us via the Koi Dojo link on the Shinobi Kai Classes page or contact us by email; mark@shinobikaiuk.co.uk